Edition 13 | 12th July 2024                                                                                     Download PDF 

Dr. Stuart Hatcher
Dr. Stuart Hatcher

Chief Economist & Exec. Advisor, ISTAT Certified Senior Appraiser

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Stu’s view: Farnborough Airshow 2024 predictions

In last year’s Paris Airshow outlook, my opening paragraph droned on about the issues with supply chains, ESG, rising costs, strengthening airline results, and the upcoming push towards more widebody orders. Well, surprise, surprise – not much change there then!


Read the full predictions here.


The IBA team will be sharing all the latest news on orders and activity throughout the Airshow. Make sure you are following our LinkedIn to stay up to date.








Piotr Grobelny

Aviation Analyst

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Consolidation continues as EU approves ITA takeover and SAS restructure

The European Commission has finally approved Lufthansa Group's (LHG) €325 million bid for a 41% stake in ITA Airways, contingent on remedial measures to mitigate competition concerns. Initially, the merger raised alarms about monopolistic practices on certain short-haul routes between Italy and Central Europe, as well as long-haul routes connecting Italy with the United States, Canada, and Japan. Additionally, the deal could have amplified ITA’s dominance at Milan Linate Airport.


To address these concerns, Lufthansa Group and the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance agreed to several commitments. These include enabling rival airlines to operate non-stop flights between Rome or Milan and Central European airports, ensuring access to ITA’s domestic network for these competitors, and transferring take-off and landing slots at Milan Linate. The transaction is set to close in the fourth quarter of 2024, with ITA Airways joining the LHG as its fifth integrated network airline. Additionally, LHG will be able to increase its 41% stake to 90% in early 2025, which could facilitate further integration.


The European Commission has also approved the restructuring plan of SAS Scandinavian Airlines, aligning with EU state aid regulations. As part of the restructuring under Chapter 11 bankruptcy, SAS will see significant ownership changes. Air France-KLM will acquire a 19.9% stake, while Castlelake will take a 32.2% share. Norway’s state-controlled Export Finance Norway will also join as a creditor, marking its return to SAS ownership. The restructuring aims to stabilise SAS’s financial situation, with regulatory approvals expected into August 2024.


Conversely, the proposed acquisition of Air Europa by International Airlines Group (IAG) also faces regulatory hurdles. The European Commission has raised concerns that the merger would significantly reduce competition on routes between Spain and the Americas, as well as within the Spanish domestic market and short-haul international routes. IAG, which already owns Iberia and Vueling, has proposed remedies, including transferring 40% of Air Europa's flights to other airlines and ensuring no exclusive routes between Iberia and Air Europa. Despite these efforts, the acquisition faces significant scrutiny, with IAG aiming to secure approval and complete the transaction by 2024.


It seems that 2 out of 3 major consolidation proceedings are getting closer to being finalised. The question remains as to what extent will the airline consolidation in Europe continue. With more and more airlines lining up for potential acquisitions, the trend might be quite difficult to stop.


Danny Thurtle

Senior ESG Analyst

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Universal Hydrogen shuts down due to funding issues

A 2020 startup that set out to prove hydrogen flight was possible within a decade, has shut down its programme after running out of funding. Universal Hydrogen, had acquired some reputable investors, including GE Aviation, American Airlines, and Airbus’ venture capital arm, amounting to over US$100m in funding, but failed in a recent eleventh-hour merger with regional airline Silver Airways. 


The company’s collapse signals the difficulty in proving an experimental concept to investors while grappling with the development of a hydrogen drivetrain, developing fuel infrastructure at airports, and a severe lack of green hydrogen supply. Solving all three problems proved too much, with ZeroAvia the only company remaining looking to retrofit aircraft with hydrogen drivetrains. 


Perhaps most worrying is the lack of long-term confidence in Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) subsidies, which, along with economic headwinds, were enough for investors to cool their interest, according to Universal Hydrogen’s ex-CEO Paul Eremenko. As a large purchaser of green hydrogen, the company backed the IRA’s Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit to support suppliers with up to $3/kg, or around a 20% reduction in production costs. Without certainty for its continuation, investors were unsure whether Universal Hydrogen would have sufficient supply for scaling its development.


Back in January, Jeni Stanley, IBA’s ESG Manager, spoke in Dublin about the impact of elections on technology development and regulatory stringency, and it would appear that the looming US election was detrimental to Universal Hydrogen. With the US a critical stakeholder in SAF and hydrogen development, there must be certainty for investors and companies throughout the turbulence of a potential change in government. 


Want more aviation ESG news from the last month?



Suleiman Atif
Senior Aviation Analyst
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Market Update

Our regular update looks at the key trends and market indicators using data and analytics provided by IBA Insight.


Figure 1: Passenger capacity recovery by flight type

Source: IBA Insight
Figure 2: Commercial aircraft deliveries: NB/RJ        

Source: IBA Insight
Figure 3: Commercial aircraft deliveries: Widebody

Source: IBA Insight


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A graph showing data and analytics

IBA 一站式航空情报平台 IBA Insight 全新亮相。IBA 丰富的机队、价值和市场数据,结合航班数据与权威专家见解,为您的投资、风险评估和飞机投资组合监控带来更大的信心和把握。


A graph showing financial data

凭借由获奖 ISTAT 认证评估师组成的庞大团队以及 30 多年累积的专有数据,IBA 在全球估值市场上处于领先地位。我们为全球范围内的一系列资产类型提供独立、公正的价值意见和建议,包括飞机、发动机、直升机、货机/航空货运、降落机位和预备件等。IBA 始终致力于超越客户的期望,我们的客观意见为贷款、资产收回、商业开发和再营销提供了必要的安全保障。


A fleet of aircraft

IBA 与全球领先的飞机和发动机租赁公司精诚合作。我们的专业建议植根于深厚的行业知识,因此 IBA 可以在投资周期的各个阶段提供支持,让客户放心无忧。从估值、机队选择、投资组合开发,到租赁结束时的退租和再营销,我们将全程协助客户完成整个租赁期的所有风险评估和资产管理活动。


A graph showing aviation finance on a laptop

航空投资往往错综复杂,会涉及大量财务风险,因此,放任资产不去管理绝对是下下策。无论是首次投资的新手,还是市场上驾轻就熟的资深投资者,IBA 都能帮助您克服各种资产类型的复杂性,让您更好地了解各种投资机会。我们可以与您携手合作,支持您的投资组合开发、多元化发展并满足您的战略需求。


Looking down onto an aircraft from above

30 多年来,IBA 与全球和地区航空公司紧密合作,提供估值和咨询服务、航空数据情报以及飞机和发动机的退租支持。我们在遍布世界各地的各种航空项目上与客户展开协作,满足他们的额外资源需求,随时随地提供所需的项目管理支持。


A lawyer's hand writing notes

我们掌握着丰富资源并善于出谋划策,可为客户提供诉讼支持和纠纷调解办法,并根据客户的法律策略量身定制周密的解决方案。正是由于 30 多年来专有航空数据的积累、定期参与战略并购,以及丰富的飞机管理专业知识,我们能够经常接触到各方之间的典型争端领域。IBA 通过直接或与客户自己的法律团队合作的方式,在各个方面为客户提供帮助,从飞机损坏或损失的保险相关理赔,到常常在退租时发生的租赁商与承租商的纠纷。



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